
Shengli Energy Conveyed Love and Hope Through Voluntary Blood Donation

Author: Source: Pubdate: 2024-07-02 Font size:【L M S

To promote the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual help, and solidarity” and embrace the 21st World Blood Donor Day, Shengli Energy’s Equipment Maintenance Center organized a voluntary blood donation activity on June 13 to contribute to public welfare through acts of kindness and hope.

To ensure the success of the blood donation event, the Center coordinated with the Xilinguole League Central Blood Donation Station and released registration notices through working group chat in advance, attracting enthusiastic responses with many employees eagerly participating in the activity. During the donation, volunteers, guided by medical professionals, filled out blood donation registration forms, underwent blood pressure measurement, and had their blood tested. They also learned from the medical staff about the important information regarding the donation process and post-donation care. Among the donors were first-timers and “seasoned veterans”, all united in their willingness to donate. As each drop of warm blood filled the bags, the small acts of kindness converged into a river of greater love. The blood donation certificates further symbolized the selfless contributions and sense of duty of Shengli Energy’s employees. Participants expressed pride and honor in being able to help those in need through their donations. They hoped their actions would inspire more people to join the ranks of voluntary blood donors and contribute to the public welfare.

The event witnessed over 20 participants donating a total of 4,000 milliliters of blood. This voluntary blood donation activity conveyed love and advocated dedication throughout the whole process, showcasing Shengli Energy employees’ commitment to social responsibility and their passion for public welfare and selfless devotion through practical actions.