
Baorixile Energy Demonstrated Commitment with Safety Volunteer Campaign in Community

Author: Source: Pubdate: 2024-07-04 Font size:【L M S

On June 19, Baorixile Energy organized a volunteer campaign themed “Unimpeded Access to Life Safety” in the Yangguang Community in Haila’er District, Hulunbuir City, helping enhance public safety awareness and emergency response skills, and highlighting the company’s responsibility and commitment to community welfare.

During the event, the volunteers, along with community grid attendants, distributed safety production and electrical safety brochures to residents. They popularized the essential household safety knowledge, including the proper use of fire, electricity, and gas. The volunteers also promoted knowledge of safety production laws and regulations, as well as techniques regarding emergency response, self-rescue, and mutual aid. They emphasized the importance of regularly inspecting household appliances that have been in use for a long time, such as wireless network communication devices and power supplies, reminding residents the potential hazards due to carelessness. Additionally, residents were reminded to avoid charging electric vehicles in hallways or indoors to ensure household safety.

One resident participating in the event stated, “I will no longer stack items in pipe shafts or place flammable materials in fire exits. It’s crucial to eliminate fire hazards and maintain valuable safety passages for all.”

Safety is paramount and leaving things to luck is dangerous. This campaign successfully underscored the importance of safety, broadened the reach of safety education, and equipped the public with basic safety knowledge. By fostering an excellent safety culture atmosphere, the campaign contributed to fortifying public safety defenses and fostering a positive corporate image.