
Shipping Company’s Freight Volume Exceeded 80 Million Tonnes

Author: Source: Pubdate: 2024-05-09 Font size:【L M S

As of April 17, the cumulative freight volume of the Shipping Company has reached 80.149 million tonnes, an increase of 8.694 million tonnes compared to the same period last year, representing a growth rate of 12.2%, and demonstrating the Company’s sustained efforts in ensuring energy supply.

Since 2024, the Shipping Company has been fully implementing CHN Energy’s “136” Development Strategy and the “41663” Overall Work Guidelines. Adhering to the development principle of focusing on “integration” as the main approach, with “specialization, marketization, and internationalization” as supplementary strategies, the Company comprehensively promotes the new shipping development pattern of “one focus and three supplementary strategies”, giving full efforts to ensure smooth, efficient, and orderly production and operation. It also attaches great importance to external market development, actively participates in tenders by major coastal cargo owners, strengthens strategic cooperation with Trading Group, actively carries out ship-cargo co-management services, and develops transportation of inland river cargo sources to ensure the sustained development of external market business. As of April 17, the transportation volume for external users reached 10.578 million tonnes, an increase of 2.486 million tonnes compared to the same period last year, registering a growth rate of 30.7%. The Company focuses on expanding the foreign trade market, continuously exerting efforts in developing foreign trade customers, expanding international routes, and diversifying the types of carried goods. As of April 17, the volume of foreign trade transportation reached 6.729 million tonnes, an increase of 3.784 million tonnes compared to the same period last year, representing a growth rate of 128.5%, maintaining a high-speed growth momentum.