
The Spring Concentrated Maintenance on the Dazhun Line of Xinshuo Railway Completed Successfully

Author: Source: Pubdate: 2024-05-20 Font size:【L M S

On April 30, the 30-day spring concentrated maintenance on the Dazhun Line of Xinshuo Railway completed successfully, which further optimizes lines performance, solidifying the infrastructure for a safe and smooth transportation of energy resources.

For the purpose of smooth completion of the concentrated maintenance, Xinshuo Railway adopted meticulous planning and well-organized coordination, and established a coordinating leadership team and on-site supervisory inspection team responsible for inspecting and monitoring key operations, so as to ensure construction safety, quality, and progress. A detailed schedule was adopted to guide the maintenance progress, with daily construction plans and responsibilities, as well as principles of safety and technology information clearly specified. Daily tasks completed underwent early warning, analysis, and summary on each day, aiming to promptly eliminate hidden dangers. Measures were employed to enhance safety management at construction sites, comprehensively inspect key areas and sites, and monitor whole construction processes to realize safe and controllable construction. Technological means were extensively applied for security and stability. Specifically, QSZ-400 bridge screening machine was used for the first time for mechanized screening along the Wanquan River Grand Bridge route. Additionally, protection early warning system for field railway operations was adopted for the first time as auxiliary technological equipment. This established a comprehensive on-site operational safety and control system featuring audio-visual combination, and four-tier coordinated control, effectively guaranteeing personnel and train safety. In light of production demands and construction tasks, concentrated or staged gap periods were arranged, aiming to mitigate the impact of construction on loop-line loading, and ensure both smooth construction and transportation operations. During the concentrated maintenance, a total of 13.627 million tonnes of goods were dispatched, marking a year-on-year increase of 186,000 tonnes.