Recently, CHN Energy Work Safety Management System Digital Intelligence Platform, developed by Digital Intelligence, has been launched, providing an important tool for the effective implementation of work safety management system.
Under the principle of “System Compliance, Unified Construction, Expansion, Innovation, and Integration”, the project of CHN Energy Work Safety Management System Digital Intelligence Platform is designed to include “One Platform, Five Situation Maps, Fourteen General Modules, and Forty-Two Expansion and Innovation Modules”, and build a digital intelligent platform featuring “total element, full coverage, standardization, intelligence and convenience”. This will comprehensively support the implementation of work safety management system, advance the convenience and efficiency of work safety in CHN Energy, while giving impetuses to management reform and effectiveness improvement. At current stage, some general modules are in service, including Leadership Role, Organization Guarantee, Concept Goal, Risk Control, Hazard Identification and Management, Safety Training, Behavior Control, Contractor Management, Health Management, Accidents & Events, Supervision and Inspection, as well as core functions of some expansion and innovation modules, including Hazardous Operation, Construction Machinery Management, Fire Fighting Facilities Management, Special Equipment Management, and Personal Protective Equipment Management.