
Shuohuang Railway's Annual Freight Volume Exceeded 150 Million Tonnes

Author: Source: Pubdate: 2024-06-07 Font size:【L M S

As of May 23, Shuohuang Railway, China's second-largest channel for west-to-east coal transportation, has achieved an annual freight volume of 150.692 million tonnes, an increase of 9.109 million tonnes year-on-year, ensuring a stable and strong energy supply.

Since the beginning of the year, Shuohuang Railway has closely aligned with CHN Energy’s integrated operation arrangements, continuously strengthening the "large transportation" concept. Efforts have been focused on adjusting the productivity layout and optimizing production organization. Shuohuang Railway has driven transportation production management through operational planning to ensure a stable, efficient, and orderly energy supply. Starting with improving the quality of daily shift scheduling and with the production operation plan as a task guidance, Shuohuang Railway has considered CHN Energy’s task plans, the market environment changes, and the production and operation status of external units, and meticulously formulated plans based on daily tracking and weekly adjustments, ensuring implementation of supporting measures and strict control of plan deviation rates within 2%, thus enhancing the fulfillment rate of daily shift plans. Focusing on ensuring smooth operations, Shuohuang Railway has tapped into the internal potential, improved efficiency, and strengthened external collaboration. With Huanghua Port as the main hub and Huangwan Railway and Huangda Railway as the two supporting channels, it has maximized the equipment capacity of technical stations and given full play to the transportation structure featuring "one port + two railways", facilitating integrated and seamless transportation. Shuohuang Railway has also emphasized the principle that "changing is a risk," paying close attention to key equipment and weak points, especially during seasonal transitions. Dynamic and static inspections have been strengthened, and measures for spring thaw and flood prevention have been detailed. Shuohuang Railway has taken proactive steps to issue early warnings for severe weather conditions and strengthen emergency responses, building a robust defense against seasonal safety risks to ensure safe and smooth transportation.